Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Top #1 Magical Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Skin and Hair

Top Magical Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil is used since ancient times for cooking, moisturizing etc. because of its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It is obtained from fresh coconuts. Coconut oil is also used for oil pulling as it is beneficiary for oral health. Mostly in South India people use coconut oil as a main source of cooking.

Some Benefits Of Coconut Oil

The benefits of Coconut oil are given below:

1. Lowers Bad cholesterol

In today's lifestyle due to irregular eating of food, mostly fried and spicy food, many people suffer from cholesterol which is very bad for health. So intake of food cooked in coconut oil will help our body to remove bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, because of its antioxidant properties.

2. Helps in Weight Loss/Fat Burning

Coconut oil is a very good source of fat burning. It increases to calories out and reduces calories in as it is a medium-chain fatty acid. So in taking of 2 tablespoons of coconut oil is the good dose for fat loss.

3. Better Brain Function

The fatty acids present in coconut oil can boost the brain functions. It forms ketones which is used by the brain as fuel. It boosts ketones and helps the brain to function well.
It boosts up memory and helps to fight against dementia.

4. Kills Microorganisms

Due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, it kills bacteria and microorganisms which can affect our health, so it is used in cooking and Moisturizing so that it can kill microorganisms inside and outside of our body.

5. Eating Coconut Oil is Good for Health

Eating Coconut Oil is good for health because it kills bad Microorganisms in our body, boosts our memory, maintains dental health reduces bad cholesterol etc. Coconut oil is natural and is very effective for our health rather than the refined oils which cause many diseases and makes our body unhealthy.

6. Maintains Hair, Skin, and Dental Health

Coconut oil is used as a good moisturizer for our skin and hair, it gives natural shine and makes hair unbreakable. It is also used for oil pulling which promotes good dental health and used since ancient times.

Side Effects of Coconut Oil

There are also some few side effects of coconut oil given below:

1. Clogs the Pores

The regular use of Coconut oil can clog the pores on face and may produce acne. People with oily face are not recommended taking coconut oil in regular basis.

2. Can Associate with High Cholesterol

Coconut oil may cause high cholesterol if taken continuously on a regular basis, people with cholesterol should not intake more oils or oily foods on a regular basis

3. Bad Allergic Reactions

Coconut oil may not be suitable for everyone, many people can get allergies or allergic reactions while in taking coconut oil in regular basis.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil for Skin

1. Good Moisturizer

Due to its antioxidant properties, coconut oil is used to moisturize the skin. It gives nourishment to dry skin, ankles etc.

2. Gives Natural Glow

Applying coconut oil on skin gives a natural glow and shine to the skin. It nourishes the skin and cleans up the dead cells.

3. Kills Bacteria and Fungi

Due to its antibacterial properties, it kills bacteria and fungi from skin. And applying it regularly or weekly on skin will not allow the bacteria and fungi to cause fungal infection.

4. Treats Skin Ailments

Coconut oil treats skin ailments such as allergies, redness, fungal infection etc. If kills the bacteria and prevent to stay on skin.

5. Helpful for Massage

Using warm coconut oil for massaging the body is a very good practice and should be done regularly before bath. By massaging the blood circulation of our body increases and helps the body to stay fit.

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair

1. Stimulates Hair Growth

Applying coconut oil twice or thrice in a week on your hair can give your hair nourishment which will help the hair to grow naturally.

2. Promotes Scalp Health

Using coconut oil as a moisturizer will increase the health of the scalp so that lice and dandruff will not happen.

3. Adds Luster and Shine to Hairs

Coconut oil will give a natural shine and lustre to the hair if used weekly or regularly. But it will be good to oil the hair twice or thrice in a week.

4. Prevents Hair Breakage

Coconut oil strengthens the hairs and prevent them from breakage. It also gives natural volume to the hair.

5. Slows Hair Loss

Oiling with coconut oil will slow en the hair fall as it strengthens the hair and keeps it healthy.

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