Saturday, September 21, 2019

How To Prevent Hair Loss | Hair Care Routine For Healthy And Strong Hair

Stop doing these things if you want healthy and Smooth hair

If your hair is weak then it may be your fault. Your mistakes only cause hair damage. Once the hair starts to fall, they do not stop. Why does this happen after all? Everyone wants their hair to be thick, beautiful and bouncy. But your mistakes make them weak. Know what causes your hair to get damaged.

Wrong Eating

Hair is made of protein. Their growth and health are possible only if you take a sufficient amount of protein. The amount of protein you take, only that much protein goes to your hair. Therefore, a balanced diet is very important for hair health. When you do not pay attention to food then your hair starts falling.

Detergent Based Shampoo

To keep the hair beautiful, it is very important to clean them. For this, we use shampoo. But some shampoos present in the market are so hard that they harm the hair. If you look carefully, it is written on these detergent based shampoos. The chemical present in it cleans the hair but damages its health.

Not Oiling

For the health of hair, oil massage on them is very important. Actually, along with protein, fat is also needed for hair which you get very little by eating. Therefore, experts recommend oil massage on hair at least twice a week. This makes hair stronger from the root and maintains a natural shine.

Too Stress

You may not agree, but stress is harmful to your overall health. Whenever you get stressed, your hair will start falling. Too much hair fall is also a sign that you have started taking more stress than necessary. So if you want bouncy and healthy hair then stop taking tension.

Hot blow drying

If you want to get good quality hair then stop blow drying regularly with a hot blow dryer because hot air from the blow dryers damages the hair. You have to invest some money for a cold air blow dryer to keep your hair healthy.

Drying Hair With Towel With Force

Drying the hair with towel with force weakens the hair roots and breaks the hair as a result hair fall occurs. So to prevent hair loss dry the hair gently with towel.

Hair Care Tips After Getting Drenched In Rain

It's the rainy season and you have to bear a lot of hair. Rainwater and humid weather at this time cause a lot of hair damage and weakening causes them to break. So save as much as you can to avoid wetting your hair during the rainy season, but so that the hair can be saved from breaking. We've come up with some great tips for hair care that will help you take care of your hair better. Find out about those tips.

- If your hair gets wet often in rainwater, you must wash them with shampoos. If not, the moisture produced by the rainwater will form a fungus. It can also cause other problems with itching.

- Unravel wet hair with large toothed combs. This will also make the hair easily solved and not broken.

- Allow the wet hair to dry first, then tie. If the hair is tied completely without drying, it will stink and the chances of lice will increase. The quality of hair will also deteriorate.

- After washing the hair, make sure to apply a condenser so that the hair is not haphazard and easily solved. This season there is a rough hair and the hair breaks too much so that the condenser is a good way to avoid it.

- Apply oil at least once a week to nourish your hair and remove roughness. This will not make the hair lifeless and will shine.

- Don't share your comb with anyone else. If you have large hair, you can have short hair during the rainy season. This will give you a new look and better hair care.

Best Foods to Increase Hair Volume Naturally

1. Dark Chocolate

Chocolates are the most liked food among the people. Riched in antioxidants, iron riched Vitamin B, it is an important and good source for growing thick and healthy hair. But consumption in high level may not be effective and can increase blood sugar level.

Most dark chocolate is high in flavonoids which lower the risk of heart disease. Some studies suggest chocolate or cocoa consumption is associated with a lower risk of insulin resistance and high blood pressure in adults.

2. Eggs

As a good source of protein, eggs boosts the collagen level. Collagen surrounds the hair strands and it promotes healthy hair and nourishes the scalp to strengthen the roots which will prevent hair greying and hair follicles damage.

3. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are the major source of fibres, and regular intake of flaxseeds prevents hair loss, scalp eczema, dandruff and it strengthens the roots of the hair and make the scalp healthy.

4. Sweet Potatoes

As a good source of beta-carotene and Vitamin A, which not only promotes the hair scalp but also helps for hair growth. But intake in high level can affect as it becomes toxic if consumption is very high.

5. Spinach

Spinach is very healthy green vegetable known for its antioxidant properties and is loaded with many nutrients such as Vitamin A and C, iron, folate etc which promotes hair growth as it nourishes the scalp.

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