Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15, 2019

Leg Workout With Picture at Home Without Equipment

Leg Workout For Strong Leg at Home Without Equipment.

1. Walking Legs

● Take a big step forward on your right foot. While doing that, bend your left leg so that your knee almost touches the floor. Then, with the help of your right leg, move your body into the next lege. This time, your left leg should be in front of you, and your right leg will bend toward the floor.

●  Do 3 sets of walking leges with 12 reps each. and remember to take a 30-second rest after each set. When doing this exercise, the muscles in the front of your leg work the most since they have to move your whole body up and forward.

● This not only strengthens all the leg muscles but also improves your balance and stability.

2. Regular Squats

● Stand straight with your legs shoulder-width apart and your feet parallel to each other. Bend your knees to slowly lower your body toward the ground. Imagine you’re about to sit down in an invisible chair. Go as far down as you can with your elbows touching your knees. Keep your chest and head upright and make sure your knees don't go beyond your toes.

● Stay in this position for 3 to 5 seconds, then stand back up by pressing through your heels. Most of all, squats work your calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps, but they're also pretty effective for building up your abs and strengthening your lower back and glutes.

● Besides, they’re a great way to burn tons of calories really fast, maintain your heart health, and improve your lung capacity.

● Do 3 sets of 12 reps each, but no rest in between - you should immediately move to the next exercise.

 3. Squat Jumps

● Squat down like you did in that last exercise by lowering your body so that your thighs are parallel to the ground. Stay in this position for at least 3 seconds. But this time, you’ll launch yourself upward from the squat. When you jump in the air, lift your arms up over your head. Return to the squat position, then jump again. And, sorry, no breaks between the jumps! 3 sets of 12 will be perfect for this one too, and feel free to take a 30-second break to rest between sets.

● This exercise helps tone your calves, quads, and hammies as well as your glutes and core muscles. It’s also cool in that it involves the arms a little more than traditional squats and definitely a lot more cardio!

 4. Split Squats 

● For this exercise, you can use any suitable surface: a sofa, chair, your bed. The main thing is that it's stable enough to hold some of your weight and won't fall over as you’re doing the exercise. Stand with your back to the piece of furniture of your choice and rest your right foot on it, laces down.

● Slowly squat down with your left leg until your right knee almost touches the floor. Hold it there for 3 seconds  then, with the strength of your left leg, stand back up.

● Do 3 sets of 12 reps on each leg, with no rest when you change legs. A 30-second break between sets is ok and probably much-needed! This is a great lower-body exercise since squatting deeply with just one leg really targets the stabilizer muscles and, as a bonus, improves your balance! Also, feel free to hold a dumbbell in each hand if you wanna take this one up a “step” .

 5. Squat Pulses

● Get into the starting position for a squat (feet shoulder-width part, pointing ahead, and all that jazz). Again, go down into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. But this time, when you hit the lowest point in your squat, do a few "pulses" by moving your hips up and down for about 5 seconds. Then return to the starting position. The trick is that when you do the pulses, you constantly engage and stimulate your leg muscles. Plus, you can hold the movement longer and tire your muscles in a different way than when you do just a standard squat.

● Shoot to do this exercise for 1 minute straight, and take a 30-second break

 6. Elevated Calf Raises 

● Yes, let’s give those thighs a breather and work on your calves! Stand on a fitness block with your heels hanging off. (If you have a staircase, the first step will do too.) If it's hard to keep your balance, hold onto something like a nearby wall for support. Lift your heels so that all your body weight is put on the balls of your feet, then lower your heels toward the floor as much as you can so that you feel a nice stretch in your calves.

● Do 3 sets of 12 reps with a 30-second break between sets. As always, a dumbbell in your free hand will take things up a notch, which is an especially useful trick once you’ve built up so much strength that your body weight is no longer enough.

● This exercise will have your calves looking bigger, stronger, and more defined. Plus, it increases your ankle strength, so you won’t be as prone to spraining or twisting them.

7. Lunge Jumps

● Start by standing with your right leg forward and your arms crossed over your chest. Bend your knees and lower your body into a deep lunge. Your left knee should almost brush the floor. Then, like a spring, jump into the air, fully extending your legs. While you’re mid-air, switch legs, bringing your left leg forward and your right leg back. Land in a lunge and, without a break, launch your body up into the next jump.

● Lunge jumps develop your lower body strength and endurance by targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and hip flexors. Besides, it's a perfect cardio exercise, and it stabilizes your core, improves your coordination, and builds ankle stability. Do this exercise for 1 minute if you can, then go straight to…

8. Step Ups 

● For this exercise, you'll need a bench, an aerobic step, or anything sturdy enough and about knee-high. Stand in front of the platform you've chosen, with your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart from each other. Put your right foot on the platform, and by pushing through this foot, propel your body into the air until your left foot ends up next to your right one.

● Pause for a couple of seconds, then lower first your left leg and then your right one back to the floor. This exercise works pretty much every muscle in your legs as well as your glutes for an added bonus! (Can’t have strong muscular legs under a flat tush, now!)

● Do 3 sets of the exercise with 12 reps for each leg. Remember to complete the reps on one leg before moving to the other. Don’t take a break when you switch legs, but feel free to rest for half a minute between sets. You should also know that this exercise can be a bit tough on the knees. So be sure to do everything slowly and controlled.

 9. Single Leg Bridge 

● Lie down on the floor with your arms by your sides, your legs bent at the knee, and feet flat on the floor. Now lift your right leg into the air. Keep that knee bent slightly. Tighten your core and glute muscles and lift your hips off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your left knee.

● Hold that position for a couple seconds, then, without lowering your leg down, return to the starting position with your back on the floor. Don't switch to the right leg until you do all the reps for the left one, which will be 12. And, of course, 3 sets for each leg will do it! The single leg bridge is a great exercise to work all three glute muscles, train your hamstrings, and strengthen your lower back.

● If it seems too easy for you, do this exercise with a barbell or dumbbell lying securely across your hipbones. And make sure to avoid the most common mistakes people make while doing single leg bridges. First of all, don't arch your back when you lift your hips in the air. Otherwise, you can end up with a nasty back injury! Also, don't let your hips sag or rotate – keep everything controlled and tight. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

October 14, 2019

Best Home Made Anti Ageing Serum and Causes Of Ageing

 What is Ageing ?

 Ageing is a natural process. You can't escape it, but you can delay it. Or like it's said that you can age gracefully. If that's what you want, then there are many everyday habits you probably want to get rid of. There is no secret or magical anti-ageing potion. Some unhealthy habits impact your body, and also accelerate ageing. So, if you want those fine lines and wrinkles to not show on your face, make sure you treat your body right. If you are looking to save your youth for a bit longer, following are the lifestyle changes that you need to make right away.

Causes of Ageing Before Time

1. Too much screen-time

 If you're worried about harmful UV rays coming from the sun, then you need to know about the blue light emission from phones and computers.

 If you are glued to screens and think some products can save your skin, you are wrong. Blue light emitted from screen is as damaging as UV rays. It destroys the youthful cells under the skin causing premature ageing and wrinkles. Limit your screen-time or invest in a product that can filter these rays for you.

 2. Being a smoker

 You may do it look cool or have developed a bad habit over the years, smoking is not good for your skin. It slows down the anti-ageing process and takes away skin's natural radiance and youthfulness. The chemicals in a cigarette causes your skin to crave for oxygen. You very well know what happens in the absence of adequate oxygen. It causes sagging of skin, dark circles, and wrinkles. If you don't care about your heart and lungs, make sure you quit it for your skin.

3. Wearing too much make-up

 It's ironical that flaws you hide using make-up are the result of make-up products that you apply on your skin. It's true that cosmetic companies these days are sensitive towards the use of harsh chemicals, but the products are not completely devoid of them. These chemicals do impact skin and make it age faster. Use of too much of make-up day in day out also takes away natural oils of the skin. The oil levels anyway keep decreasing with age. Therefore, try not to layer your skin with products, read ingredients on the bottle, keep it light and take a break in between from make-up.

4. Skipping sunscreen

 When it comes to skincare, skipping sunscreen is considered a cardinal sin. Don't commit this mistake if you're looking for effective anti-ageing tips. It acts as a shield between your skin and sun's harmful UV rays. These rays penetrate the skin and destroy the youthfulness. It may also lead to skin cancer at a later stage of life. UV rays are responsible for premature ageing and wrinkles on face. Do not step out without your sunscreen and reapply it after every three hours. If it's too much for you to remember, invest in a moisturiser that comes with SPF.

5. You are short-tempered

 Anger is anyway not healthy, and it inhibits the anti-ageing process. But did you know it causes ageing? Anger affects the way skin heals and rejuvenates itself. It hinders the collagen production, crucial substance required for skin healing and its radiance. This slowed production of collagen causes wrinkles and dark spots. Do your skin a favour and eliminate it from your personality. Instead consider meditation, deep breathing or yoga when you feel angry or need to vent.

 Best Home Made Anti Ageing Serum

 Today we are going to share a unique recipe with you. You can adopt a unique recipe at home to remove wrinkles and dark spots. The special thing about this recipe is that only natural things are used in it, so it is absolutely safe and its results are also surprising. You can make a special serum from vitamin E oil and flax seeds to remove dark spots and wrinkles at home. Let us tell you the method of making it and the right way to use it on the face.

 Necessary ingredients :

 Vitamin E Oil - 1 Capsule
Flax seeds - 3 tablespoons
Water - 2 cups

 Recipe : -

■  First, put 3 tablespoons (about half a bowl) of flaxseed seeds in 2 cups of water and put it on the gas.

 ■ Allow it to boil on low heat. Keep stirring it with the help of a wooden spoon in between. - As the cooking water starts to become a little sticky and the gel turns off, turn off the heat and keep it to cool down.

 ■ Pour this flaxseed gel in a cotton cloth (or any clean flimsy cloth) and separate the gel by squeezing it well in a bowl.

■ Now take one teaspoon of flaxseed gel and add oil by breaking 1 vitamin E capsule into it. 

■ Mix them well. Just your anti-ageing serum is ready.

■ If you want, you can make more flaxseed gel. The gel lasts for 1-2 weeks when kept in the refrigerator. But do not keep it in the fridge, use it within 3-4 days.

 The method of using it is such that to apply it, take a small cotton ball (cotton swab) and apply it on the entire face and neck by immersing it in the gel. You can apply this gel at night and let the face dry for 20 minutes and then wash it or leave it overnight. Applying this anti-ageing serum on the skin will get rid of blemishes and eliminate wrinkles. Also, this serum makes your skin soft and beautiful, which makes you look younger than your age. Using this gel daily will enhance your complexion.             

Saturday, October 12, 2019

October 12, 2019

Ultimate Solution Of Sleeping Disorder without Medicine , Insomnia , Neck Pain, Snoring, sleep Paralysis

A good night's sleep is important to give an energetic head start the following morning. However, not everyone can sleep once they rest their head on a pillow.

People with multiple sleep disorders have it
come the worst way! Not just that the disorders might stretch up to an extent that even the thought of hitting the sack triggers anxiety within.

Many children between the age group of 5 to 10 years fear to sleep alone as they are scared of extremely vivid nightmares. However, if the problem persists even in your teenage years, you have got to help yourself bring the much-needed change in your sleeping routine.

Another common sleeping disorder is sleepwalking which makes things even worse as you can literally do anything in your
sleep or move anywhere and the biggest crap is, you wouldn't know a single thing in the morning that you did all night. In this article, we are going to help you try to fix 6 most common sleep problems! You wouldn't know there's a simple solution to all those nasty
problems. Check them out here in this article.

1. When You Can't Fall Asleep 

When you feel restless and unable to move in the bed at night, don't give up and drink caffeine- centric drinks. Honestly, caffeine
makes things worse than you can imagine. Instead, go with a relaxing peppermint tea and it should do the trick.

Another important point is to realize how important is exercising! Exhausting yourself is important to gain a quick sleep for which you need to work out a little. The best time to hit the gym is in the morning while keeping your diet in sync with the workout routine throughout the day.

2. Snoring

Sometimes, your head is not resting at the correct level which causes difficulty in breathing and as a result, you snore while sleeping. To fix this, get yourself a comfortable pillow and let your head be elevated at least 4 inches above the rest of your body.

Another thing that you can try is to sleep on your side instead of resting your entire body on your back.

If the problem persists, get yourself an air humidifier since dry air can irritate the membranes in your nose. Optionally, there are anti-snoring mouth appliances available that can seriously help you out with this.

3. Neck Pain

When you sleep in an incorrect posture, you get this blinding pain in your neck because of which it gets impossible for you to move.

Comfortable neck pillows can fix dull neck aching but if it’s a chronic pain; you might need to consult a specialist as soon as possible. Neck pain builds up due to retention of lactic acid within the area which can be fixed with an ice-cold pack treatment over the affected area.

Taking an Epsom salt bath just before hitting the bed also works well since it reduces the muscle tension and gives you immediate pain relief.

4. Insomnia

On average, it takes about 25 minutes for a person to fall back asleep after they hit the sack. However, to some people, this span might stretch to 2-3 hours or even endlessly which is often known as Insomnia.

To treat insomnia, one needs to adapt to a fixed and balanced lifestyle and wake up at a certain fixed time.

The best home remedy that works for Insomnia is "Mindfulness Meditation". No matter how difficult it seems at first, just sit, relax, and give your mind a break from the toxic lifestyle around. If the problem persists, therapeutic massage using a mix of coldpressed essential oils can make a difference.

5. Sleep Paralysis: 

Sleep Paralysis is scary as one finds it difficult to even move slightly during the transition from sleeping to waking up or vice versa.

At times, when you are highly stressed out, you might feel
the inability to move during the transition. However, many people associate sleep paralysis with some sort of paranormal activity.

A spiritual practice might help you deal with sleep paralysis in a much better way. Also, if the problem persists, you are required to consult a doctor immediately.

6. Jet Lag

Rapid transitioning or travelling in different time zone causes you a temporary uneasiness and inability to sleep which is commonly known as Jetlag.

The sleeplessness is often accompanied by nausea, fatigue, and other sorts of discomforting symptoms as well.

There is no need to worry when you are dealing with Jetlag since it is temporary. However, are some ways with which you can minimize the effects?

● Stay hydrated and avoid intake of caffeine or alcohol for at least 24 hours after you land

● Practice light therapy; get exposed to natural sunlight for a while (for a westward flight). However, if you are flying to the east, you need to avoid as much light exposure as you can.

● Eat light and avoid any sort of greasy meal during the daytime.

● Take a long, hot, and relaxing bath before hitting the bed.

October 12, 2019

Fight Against Bad Cholesterol | Bad Cholesterol Reduce By Fruits

Bad Cholesterol

High cholesterol and heart problems are closely linked and can turn into a real danger to the body. According to the World Health Organization, in 2016 the most deadly diseases were called cardiovascular disease.

This is for a variety of reasons, with high cholesterol being among the most influential and causative. People suffering from this condition increase day by day, so the need for prevention is urgent and very necessary.

Although bad cholesterol can have its effects in different forms, the heart is the one most affected. Like many other chronic illnesses that are closely linked to daily diet and nutrition, cholesterol-lowering should also be started here, tips.com reports.

Proper nutrition can make a difference to the good health of the whole body. So in this article, we show you the 3 best fruits you can eat every day to get rid of bad cholesterol.


Avocados are highly recommended for patients who suffer from high blood pressure. This is because they are a very good source of important vitamins and antioxidants.

These include vitamins K, C, B5, B6, E and healthy fats which prevent the risk of ischemia and help the heart. They also play the same role in healing or balancing bad cholesterol in the body by balancing fats.


Highly tasty and usable, tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, B, K and C which directly affect the health of eyes and heart. Tomatoes are rich in potassium, so they help lower bad cholesterol and heart health.


Apple values ​​for the body start from good skin, digestion to the heart, and balancing cholesterol levels. Being rich in fibre is also a very good antioxidant. This then means bad cholesterol in the body. So only one apple a day will help you avoid arteriosclerosis and a variety of other cardiovascular diseases.

All fruits that go into citrus fruits, including citrus lemon, are great for heart health. Although outside of this family, grapes may also be included in this list as a way to keep diseases away. All these fruits are rich in flavonoids which are known for their heart health qualities.

The many fibres they contain are a very good cure against atherosclerosis and bad cholesterol. Include all these fruits in your daily diet and you will fight many diseases immediately in a natural way.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

September 28, 2019

All About Migraine - What is Migraine, symptoms, causes, treatment, home remedies


Migraine causes severe head pain, Most people who have migraines know when the headache starts, what is causing it. Migraine timing causes vomiting, difficulty in breathing, unable to speak properly.
During migraine, they also have problems with more sound and light.
            Migraine is a disease in which patients are growing all over the world. If people have migraines, they do not even know what happened to them, so they do not treat them and this problem increases. Migraines are called when the headaches start recurring without any means. People's blood pressure is seen to increase during a migraine. 

All about migraine

Types Of Migraine

Migraine are mainly 2 types with Aura and without Aura

Migraine With Aura

One in five patients of a migraine is a victim of migraine with aura. Whoever is a victim of migraine with aura is less likely to be seen with those eyes, Some dots or lines may also appear in front of those eyes which are not actually there and that this time patients will not be able to see properly which can be for 5 to 10 minutes. All these symptoms are migraine with aura. If you too are having all this problem then it means that you are going to get a lot of headaches which can happen continuously, so please consult with a doctor.

Migraine Without Aura

Migraine without Aura also called common migraine During this time, the patient has pain in the head, there is a prick on both the sides of head, Along with headache, difficulty in breathing, vomiting and  difficulty in speaking, this is the starting stage of migraine. Many people ignore it because they do not have the right information. Due to lack of information, people take medicines for headache, which is not good at all. You should consult with a doctor so that you will get well in the migraine starting stage and you will not have much problem.

What Causes Of Migraine

Stress is the main reason for migraine. Anxiety and depression  also cause migraine. Not sleeping well, not taking care of food and drink, drinking too much alcohol or coffee can also cause migraine. many times women also get migraine due to hormonal change. Many people take medicine to sleep when they are not sleeping well, which is very harmful for health, they also get migraine sometimes

Migraine Symptoms

1. Aura

Some people lose eye sight before migraine, Some people see a white dot or a line in front of the eyes of white colour,  pain and irritation start in eye. All these symptoms of migraine, if you are also having this problem, then show it to the doctor.

2. Headache

If you have a headache for no reason, there is a prick in the head and in addition to pain in the head, vomiting comes along with difficulty in breathing, then all this are symptoms  of migraine. In this, you will not leave normal head pain after taking medicine, it may increase the problem. Show the doctor.

3. Body

If you have mild pain in your eyes and neck. There is pain in the head lightly throughout the day and if a bit of rain gets drenched in the cold, it causes migraine headaches. Many people leave it with cold medicine and headache medicine, but you do not have to do it, consult with a good neurologist.

Treatment  For Migraine

1. Food

All about migraine

During the migraine, junk food is not eaten at all because it contains a lot of flour. And junk food contains things that can aggravate migraine. If you have a migraine, you have eaten more protein food like fish, meat etc. Don't eat much spicy things at all.

2. Exercise

All about migraine

If you have a migraine, you should exercise daily, Exercising daily will reduce your depression  and depression is the main reason for migraine. If your depression is reduced then the migraine will reduce by itself. Do not exercise at such a place where there will be too much direct sunlight.

3. Good Sleep
All about migraine

Those who have migraine should get good sleep and if there is pain in the head, no pen killer should be eaten, if the head pain increases, then take consultant with a good neurologist .

4. Massage

If you have migraine, you should massage with light hands on your head. You can also massage the neck and shoulders, You can use cold water for massage as well. By doing this you will get relief from the pain of migraine

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 25, 2019

Amazing Benefits Of Chinese Rose Tea | China Rose

China Rose

Chinese Rose also known as China Rose. It looks very beautiful, Its tree is not very big but on a small tree, many roses arise which look quite beautiful in appearance. But as beautiful as it looks, one has to take care.

China rose

 There is a lot of variety of this Rose, one of them is named China Rose. There are about 148 varieties of this rose which are found in Asia, one of them is named China or Chinese Rose. Like you know by the name Chinese Rose or China Rose earlier found only in China But china rose is a hybrid rose for thousands of years China rose was cultivated in China but in the early 19th century, China Rose was also taken to Europe because by China Rose also made tea, which was very healthy, there were many benefits, it was cultivated in Europe as well. Gradually it spread to other countries as well In India too, you will see a lot of it near the areas of Jammu and Kashmir.

What Is The Colour Of China Rose?

Many people live in confusion with the colour of China Rose, But China Rose is found mainly in four colours

☆  white

☆ Red

☆ pink


But you will mostly see red colour china rose because it is very beautiful in appearance. Hopefully you will not have any confusion about the colour of China rose.

Health Benefits Of Chinese Rose Tea

If you have a china rose in your house then you can call yourself lucky because China Rose has many health benefits.

China rose

1. China Rose Improves Sex Life Such things are found in China rose which increases the sex power of men. That's why you should make and drink tea in ​​China rose leaves

2.  if you have a problem of Weight and cholesterol, you can make tea of ​​China rose leaves and drink it. If you drink tea made of China rose leaves every day, then cholesterol and weight will also be under control.

3. A cup of china rose tea contains a lot of Vitamin C, pectin and citric acid that cleanse your body from the inside If you have problem with face pimples, then drinking one cup of tea daily, the problem will also go away.

4. If you have stomach problems, then you should drink a cup of China rose tea every day because china rose tea help to fight against bacteria in the stomach and boost the digestion power.

5. China Rose Tea contains a lot of Vitamin C, which helps you to strengthen the body by fighting against bacteria and viruses which causes cold and fever If you drink china rose tea every day, you will not get sick soon.

6. And nowadays, we cannot grow depression at all. Depression causes many diseases and nowadays Youngsters are more depressed Which is a very dangerous thing, Chinese rose tea will help you to get out of it and will also help the nervous system to work well.

I hope you have understood everything by reading this article. And this reason is enough for you to drink China rose tea every day

Monday, September 23, 2019

September 23, 2019

Best Facial Exercises For Face, chubby cheeks, eyes, jawline and Its Benefits

Facial Exercise

In today's busy lifestyle due to many activities like bad and oily eating and stress, people face problems like double chin, fat on cheeks, etc. The face contains many muscles but many of them are very rarely used, by regular facial exercises we can promote good circulation of blood through our face. As ar result, we can get lighter, brighter and blemish-free skin. Also, we can get back our original skin complexion and get healthy, bright, natural glow.
Regular facial exercise increases the blood flow, keeps our face fit and removes the signs of ageing and wrinkles.

Facial exercise

Do Facial Exercise Really Work?

Yes, regular facial exercise is very beneficial and makes our skin fit for a long term. It nourishes the dead cells and removes the signs of ageing. It also helps to improve the laugh line, forehead wrinkles, double chin and vertical fine lines. It also boosts the cells and gives us a natural glow.

Some Benefits Of Facial Exercise Are:

1. It strengthens the facial muscles
2. Reduces wrinkles
3. Improves blood circulation
4. Reduces and releases tension

Can Facial Exercise Tighten Skin

Yes, Facial exercises tighten up skin. Especially who have loose skin, facial exercise is very much beneficiary for them. Facial exercise help in increasing blood circulation, as a result, the skin cells move as in the directions we massage. But they loosen up a little.

Some Facial Exercises For Chubby Cheeks

By following the cheek exercises you can remove the excess fats from your cheeks and chin:

1. Take a mouth full of water then close the mouth and then take one side of the face towards down and then press the cheeks filled with water with a finger for 30 seconds, then go for the another side for another 30 seconds.

2. Take a mouth full of water and then lye down on the bed and put your head on a pillow and then put your head down and chin upward and look to your eyebrows for at least 1 minute.

3. Take a mouth full of water and then move your face left to right constantly till you get an ache in the head. Usually it takes 15 -20 seconds. Then start again and do it 50 -60 times.

4. Take a mouth full of water and move your head to left and press the water-filled cheeks and then do it on the other side, and do it from one side to another 50 -60 times

5. Look straight and then place the four fingers of both the hands on the eyebrows and press the upwards gently for 40 -50 minutes.

6. Close the mouth and place the three fingers on the upper lips and press it upwards and downwards constantly so that the vertical fine lines look good

7. Take the mouth full of water and place it under the tongue and touch the head of the tongue to the upper roof of the mouth. As a result, the double chin will reduce.

Facial Exercises For Eyes

1. Stretch the eyelids gently and the backstretch it slightly. Do it about 50 times constantly

2. Rub the palms and get it warm and then press the palm on the eyes gently. It relaxes the eyes. Do it 30 -40 times.

3. Press the eyebrows gently up to down using the fingers. It will increase the blood flow and relax the area

4. Move the eyeball from left to right and then move it up to down and lastly in a circular motion. It is the best exercise for eyes. Do it about 50 -60 times

5. Hold the eyelids upward and then blink slowly. Do it about 100 times or as long as you can.

6. Wide your eye or fully open your as you can and then blink slowly. Do it about 100 times or as much you can.

Facial Exercises For Jawline
To get a slim face you have to reduce the fat on your jawline so that the upper cheeks get bold.

 Some exercises to get a slim jawline are:

1. Full your mouth with air and then give pressure to the air outwards and swish. Do it continuously 50 -60 times. As the pressure increases the jawline fat will be reduced.

2. Full the mouth with air and take the air to one side to the mouth and then transfer it to the another. Do it continuously from one to another 50 -60 times.

3. Do 100 kisses in air, as to kiss the muscles on face work and the jawline cuts the fat as it will be a good exercise.

4. Full the mouth with air and stretch the lip in straight direction and give a space between and blow air outwards. Then gently tap on the air bumps and blow the air continuously for at least 50 -60 times regularly.

5. Twist the mouth from one side to another for at least 20 times as it is a great exercise for getting a sharp jawline.

6. Chewing is the best exercise for getting sharp jawline as chewing encourages the facial muscles to work. Best is to chew fennel seeds for 10 -15 minutes every day.

How Long It Will Take?

It can take place in 1 week or 1 month or 1year, depending upon your skin type, elasticity of skin, and your age. The most important is the consistency, your will to perform and how you perform it.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

September 21, 2019

How To Prevent Hair Loss | Hair Care Routine For Healthy And Strong Hair

Stop doing these things if you want healthy and Smooth hair

If your hair is weak then it may be your fault. Your mistakes only cause hair damage. Once the hair starts to fall, they do not stop. Why does this happen after all? Everyone wants their hair to be thick, beautiful and bouncy. But your mistakes make them weak. Know what causes your hair to get damaged.

Wrong Eating

Hair is made of protein. Their growth and health are possible only if you take a sufficient amount of protein. The amount of protein you take, only that much protein goes to your hair. Therefore, a balanced diet is very important for hair health. When you do not pay attention to food then your hair starts falling.

Detergent Based Shampoo

To keep the hair beautiful, it is very important to clean them. For this, we use shampoo. But some shampoos present in the market are so hard that they harm the hair. If you look carefully, it is written on these detergent based shampoos. The chemical present in it cleans the hair but damages its health.

Not Oiling

For the health of hair, oil massage on them is very important. Actually, along with protein, fat is also needed for hair which you get very little by eating. Therefore, experts recommend oil massage on hair at least twice a week. This makes hair stronger from the root and maintains a natural shine.

Too Stress

You may not agree, but stress is harmful to your overall health. Whenever you get stressed, your hair will start falling. Too much hair fall is also a sign that you have started taking more stress than necessary. So if you want bouncy and healthy hair then stop taking tension.

Hot blow drying

If you want to get good quality hair then stop blow drying regularly with a hot blow dryer because hot air from the blow dryers damages the hair. You have to invest some money for a cold air blow dryer to keep your hair healthy.

Drying Hair With Towel With Force

Drying the hair with towel with force weakens the hair roots and breaks the hair as a result hair fall occurs. So to prevent hair loss dry the hair gently with towel.

Hair Care Tips After Getting Drenched In Rain

It's the rainy season and you have to bear a lot of hair. Rainwater and humid weather at this time cause a lot of hair damage and weakening causes them to break. So save as much as you can to avoid wetting your hair during the rainy season, but so that the hair can be saved from breaking. We've come up with some great tips for hair care that will help you take care of your hair better. Find out about those tips.

- If your hair gets wet often in rainwater, you must wash them with shampoos. If not, the moisture produced by the rainwater will form a fungus. It can also cause other problems with itching.

- Unravel wet hair with large toothed combs. This will also make the hair easily solved and not broken.

- Allow the wet hair to dry first, then tie. If the hair is tied completely without drying, it will stink and the chances of lice will increase. The quality of hair will also deteriorate.

- After washing the hair, make sure to apply a condenser so that the hair is not haphazard and easily solved. This season there is a rough hair and the hair breaks too much so that the condenser is a good way to avoid it.

- Apply oil at least once a week to nourish your hair and remove roughness. This will not make the hair lifeless and will shine.

- Don't share your comb with anyone else. If you have large hair, you can have short hair during the rainy season. This will give you a new look and better hair care.

Best Foods to Increase Hair Volume Naturally

1. Dark Chocolate

Chocolates are the most liked food among the people. Riched in antioxidants, iron riched Vitamin B, it is an important and good source for growing thick and healthy hair. But consumption in high level may not be effective and can increase blood sugar level.

Most dark chocolate is high in flavonoids which lower the risk of heart disease. Some studies suggest chocolate or cocoa consumption is associated with a lower risk of insulin resistance and high blood pressure in adults.

2. Eggs

As a good source of protein, eggs boosts the collagen level. Collagen surrounds the hair strands and it promotes healthy hair and nourishes the scalp to strengthen the roots which will prevent hair greying and hair follicles damage.

3. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are the major source of fibres, and regular intake of flaxseeds prevents hair loss, scalp eczema, dandruff and it strengthens the roots of the hair and make the scalp healthy.

4. Sweet Potatoes

As a good source of beta-carotene and Vitamin A, which not only promotes the hair scalp but also helps for hair growth. But intake in high level can affect as it becomes toxic if consumption is very high.

5. Spinach

Spinach is very healthy green vegetable known for its antioxidant properties and is loaded with many nutrients such as Vitamin A and C, iron, folate etc which promotes hair growth as it nourishes the scalp.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

September 18, 2019

Top #1 Magical Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Skin and Hair

Top Magical Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil is used since ancient times for cooking, moisturizing etc. because of its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It is obtained from fresh coconuts. Coconut oil is also used for oil pulling as it is beneficiary for oral health. Mostly in South India people use coconut oil as a main source of cooking.

Some Benefits Of Coconut Oil

The benefits of Coconut oil are given below:

1. Lowers Bad cholesterol

In today's lifestyle due to irregular eating of food, mostly fried and spicy food, many people suffer from cholesterol which is very bad for health. So intake of food cooked in coconut oil will help our body to remove bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, because of its antioxidant properties.

2. Helps in Weight Loss/Fat Burning

Coconut oil is a very good source of fat burning. It increases to calories out and reduces calories in as it is a medium-chain fatty acid. So in taking of 2 tablespoons of coconut oil is the good dose for fat loss.

3. Better Brain Function

The fatty acids present in coconut oil can boost the brain functions. It forms ketones which is used by the brain as fuel. It boosts ketones and helps the brain to function well.
It boosts up memory and helps to fight against dementia.

4. Kills Microorganisms

Due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, it kills bacteria and microorganisms which can affect our health, so it is used in cooking and Moisturizing so that it can kill microorganisms inside and outside of our body.

5. Eating Coconut Oil is Good for Health

Eating Coconut Oil is good for health because it kills bad Microorganisms in our body, boosts our memory, maintains dental health reduces bad cholesterol etc. Coconut oil is natural and is very effective for our health rather than the refined oils which cause many diseases and makes our body unhealthy.

6. Maintains Hair, Skin, and Dental Health

Coconut oil is used as a good moisturizer for our skin and hair, it gives natural shine and makes hair unbreakable. It is also used for oil pulling which promotes good dental health and used since ancient times.

Side Effects of Coconut Oil

There are also some few side effects of coconut oil given below:

1. Clogs the Pores

The regular use of Coconut oil can clog the pores on face and may produce acne. People with oily face are not recommended taking coconut oil in regular basis.

2. Can Associate with High Cholesterol

Coconut oil may cause high cholesterol if taken continuously on a regular basis, people with cholesterol should not intake more oils or oily foods on a regular basis

3. Bad Allergic Reactions

Coconut oil may not be suitable for everyone, many people can get allergies or allergic reactions while in taking coconut oil in regular basis.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil for Skin

1. Good Moisturizer

Due to its antioxidant properties, coconut oil is used to moisturize the skin. It gives nourishment to dry skin, ankles etc.

2. Gives Natural Glow

Applying coconut oil on skin gives a natural glow and shine to the skin. It nourishes the skin and cleans up the dead cells.

3. Kills Bacteria and Fungi

Due to its antibacterial properties, it kills bacteria and fungi from skin. And applying it regularly or weekly on skin will not allow the bacteria and fungi to cause fungal infection.

4. Treats Skin Ailments

Coconut oil treats skin ailments such as allergies, redness, fungal infection etc. If kills the bacteria and prevent to stay on skin.

5. Helpful for Massage

Using warm coconut oil for massaging the body is a very good practice and should be done regularly before bath. By massaging the blood circulation of our body increases and helps the body to stay fit.

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair

1. Stimulates Hair Growth

Applying coconut oil twice or thrice in a week on your hair can give your hair nourishment which will help the hair to grow naturally.

2. Promotes Scalp Health

Using coconut oil as a moisturizer will increase the health of the scalp so that lice and dandruff will not happen.

3. Adds Luster and Shine to Hairs

Coconut oil will give a natural shine and lustre to the hair if used weekly or regularly. But it will be good to oil the hair twice or thrice in a week.

4. Prevents Hair Breakage

Coconut oil strengthens the hairs and prevent them from breakage. It also gives natural volume to the hair.

5. Slows Hair Loss

Oiling with coconut oil will slow en the hair fall as it strengthens the hair and keeps it healthy.

Monday, September 16, 2019

September 16, 2019

Top Workout For Chest at Home Without Equipment

Chest Workout

Chest workout at home

Nowadays many boys want to do bodybuilding and nowadays, bodybuilding is not easy, so many people go to the gym for bodybuilding, but many people do not have money to go to the gym, there is nothing to worry about them, you can do bodybuilding even at home. I will tell you in this article how you can do chest workout without equipment at home and whatever workout I will tell you in this article, you do not need any kind of equipment in it, you can do it comfortably at your home.

Workout For Chest at Home Without Equipment

1. Knee Push-Ups

● Start it in the regular push-ups position, then let your knees touch the floor and raise your feet up off the floor, then push your body up and down.

● Knee Pushups make your chest, solder and Arm stronger. If you can't do full pushups then this knee pushups be great for you.

2. Wide Arm Pushups

● start in the regular push-ups position but with your hands spread wider than your shoulder.

● Then push your body up and down. Remember to keep your body straight.

● If you do wide arm pushups, then this is more beneficial from normal push-up. Wide Arm Push-up target your chests and shoulders much better than normal push-up.

3. Decline Push-ups


● start on all fours with your knees under your butt and your hands under your shoulder. 

● Then elevate your feet on a chair or bench, push your body up and down mainly using your arm strength.

● Decline push-ups is a very good workout, it targets your entire body, so that your whole body grows and comes in well shape.

4. Burpees

● stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then put your hands on the ground and kick your feet backwards.

● Do a quick push-up and then jump up.

● Burpees is a full-body workout and it removes body fat in a week but there is little difficulty in doing burpees

5. Staggered push-ups

● start in regular push up position, but with one hand in front of the other.

● Then do a push-ups and switch the other hand in front and remember to keep your body straight.

●A body warms up very quickly and the stamina is also increased and the strength  also by staggered push-ups

6. Diamond push-ups

● start in the push-up position and make a diamond shape with your forefingers and thumbs together under your chest.

● then push your body up and down. Remember to keep your body straight

● Diamond push up is a great exercise to get bigger and develop chest. Diamond push-ups increase muscle strength and develop your triceps and upper body and overall development of chest

Whatever workout I have told you, in this article help you a lot to develop your chest You can do these exercises three times a week Because while exercising, break is also needed The main thing is break time If you don't take a break then your workout is of no use because Your muscles would grow at break time. Your muscles break while exercising. And when you take a break, the muscles grow again and now they become stronger than before. I hope you understand well thank you

Sunday, September 15, 2019

September 15, 2019

How to Remove Pimples Naturally and Permanently

How to Remove Pimples Naturally

How does pimple occurs?

Nowadays Pimple has become a common problem in people's lives. Every person has to face this problem of pimple at some time, 70 to 80 percent of the people have to go through this problem.
Many children also face a problem of Pimple at the early age mainly during puberty. Pimple mostly occur in the face, forehead, cheeks, chin and neck areas.
The main reason for being simple is today's busy lifestyle, pollution stress and unhealthy food. Sebaceous gland that produces oil in our face, due to pollution the dirt goes between the pores and it creates bacteria which forms pimples, it is very painful as well.
Many people didn't know how to treat pimples and mostly they scratch it but it very dangerous, it can extend the pimple and can affect the area too badly.
The pimples mainly occur due to the bad diet, oily food consumption, stress, hormonal dis balance, genetics and using oily cosmetics. They are also associated with black and white heads.

Remove pimples

We can treat pimple very easily by sitting at home.

The remedies to remove pimples are given below:

1. Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apple cider. As other vinegar's it has the ability to fight against bacteria, it will help to dry up the excessive oil and clean away the area and kill the bacteria as an effect the pimples will reduce due to the organic acids present in it. The apple cider vinegar is not too costly to use. The apple cider should be used 1-2 times daily by diluting, as if we use concentrated vinegar it can cause burn or irritation. Take one teaspoon apple cider with a cup of water and applying it with a cotton ball.

2. Applying Honey and Cinnamon

Both honey and cinnamon are the excellent sources of antioxidants. And antioxidants are very helpful and effective on the skin to reduce pimples and acne. They have the ability to fight against bacteria and inflammation and give a clear skin.
They should be used as a paste or pack on the pimple areas once or twice a week according to the pimple and then it should be rinsed through normal water.

3. Applying Tulsi and Turmeric Mask

Tulsi and turmeric are known for their antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Since ancient times Tulsi and turmeric are used for a clear, brighter and blemish free skin. They fight against bacteria, clean and nourishes the area. In Ayurveda, they are used for their medicinal properties and it does not have any side effects. Using the Tulsi turmeric paste once or twice a day will reduce the pimple and give a natural glow to your skin.

4. Regular Face Wash

A person should wash his/ her face twice a day because washing the face cleans the dirt and impurities, take off the dead cells and not allow the dirt to form bacteria. At morning and before going to bed is the best time to wash the face with water or face wash and a neat face towel. And after coming home from outside it is must, to wash the face because it is the time when our face gets in contact to pollution and dirt. And we should use good and natural face wash because if we use chemical products then our pimple can get worse in condition.

5. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is used since ancient times to pull out our toxic wastes from body. After wake up in morning, with an empty stomach swish a tablespoon of any edible oil for 10-20 minutes and it will pull out all the toxic wastes from the body and it will be helpful to reduce pimple.

6. Taking Healthy and Non Oily Diet

In today's lifestyle we forgot the home made and healthy food and rather eat outside unhealthy, spicy oily and deep-fried foods which is the main reason for pimples. The sebaceous gland produce oils and if we eat more oily food then it will produce more oils which will attract bacteria to form. So if we include home made less oily foods and more of fruits and veggies to our diet, it can be helpful to reduce pimples and make us healthy and fit.

7. Applying Aloe Vera

Remove pimples

Aloe Vera is known for its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. The gel which is obtained from the Aloe Vera plants helps to kill the bacteria present in the pimples.
It is also used in many lotions and creams due to its benefits to treat pimples and skin problems. One spoon of fresh Aloe Vera gel should be applied on the pimples once or twice in two days and should be rinsed after 10-20 minutes.

8. Cut back on Dairy

The relationship between dairy and pimples are highly unsatisfactory. Milk is a good source of protein and is healthy, but high consumption of milk and dairy products may cause hormonal changes and increases the pimples to grow as milk also has oil in it. So limited milk consumption is better for the pimples.

9. Taking Zinc Supplement

Zinc is an essential element which is required in human for cell growth, increase in metabolism, hormone production etc. From recent studies it is found that there are very low level of zinc present in people. Low level of zinc in body also causes the increase of pimples. By taking of zinc supplement it helps to reduce pimples.
Several studies have shown reduction of pimples and acne after taking zinc supplements. But it is also necessary to consult to a doctor before taking any medicines or supplements.

10. Scrubbing

Scrubbing is very essential for cleaning impurities and dead cells from skin. As black heads and white heads cause pimples they should be removed through scrubbing. It should be done once or twice in two weeks. But scrubbing should not be done on pimples, because it can make the situation worse. Scrubbing is a preventing measure of pimples.

11. Drink Water

In today's lifestyle we don't get the time to drink more water, due to lack of water the hormonal dis balance occur and the sebaceous glands produce more oils, which cause bacteria to form. We should drink at least 5-6 L o water throughout the day. Drinking clean water will boost our skin to glow and make our skin healthy.

12. Reducing Stress

Stress is the major factor for many problems in today's life, one of them is pimples. Hormones released during stress makes the pimples worse. People should lower the stress to be healthy, they should take a good sleep of 7-8 hours, engage themselves in physical activities, can practice yoga's as yoga reduces stress and increase concentration level, and can meditate to keep them stress free.

13. Exercise Regularly

Exercise helps to increase healthy blood circulation, metabolism level. As a result it will nourish the cells which can prevent pimples and acne and can heal them. Exercise also boosts hormonal growth. Exercise can decrease stress and anxiety, as they are the main factors of pimples. Every person should at least exercise for 30 minutes regularly.

Points to Remember

Acne and pimples are the most common among people with variety of causes. Many treatments can cause redness, irritation and can make the condition worse.
But many remedies are effective, the remedies listed in this article may not work with everyone, as from there skin types or from genetics. But they could be tried.

Nevertheless, you should consult a dermatologist if have severe acne or pimple for better treatment.